The Forgotten Theory of Everything

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, it has been known that there are only two ways of trying to understand the universe. One of these two is known as atomism and is the commonly accepted view in today’s scientific industry. The other is based on the aether and was the commonly accepted view until the early 20th century. The intellectual competition between these two views may be the best interpretation of the adage, “There are only two ways of looking at the universe; as if everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle.”

The men who set the foundations of electrical theory and modern technology were all in agreement about how the universe works. In the early 20th century, the renowned figures within the academies began to disagree with the engineers and to see space as an entity which acts upon matter within itself. This view was rejected completely by those engineers who built the modern world.

James Clerk Maxwell, Oliver Heaviside, Nikola Tesla, Charles Steinmetz, J.J. Thompson and more were in agreement. Space is nothing, has no properties, and can act on nothing. The foundation of the universe is the aether and it may be understood as the universal dielectric field. Those working in the scientific industry today are effectively prohibited from using the word “aether” to describe what must obviously be real, so they’ve come up with many other names for it. It’s sometimes called the quantum field, the quantum fluid, the quantum vacuum, the quantum foam, the Higgs field, the zero-point field, and more.

Those who wish to publish in today’s peer-reviewed journals will not get far if they use the term “aether.” They must call it something else because the academians of today have decided that the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 was a failed attempt to prove the existence of the aether. It wasn’t. Michelson and Morley presumed the existence of the aether like everyone else at the time and were attempting to test different aether models, of which there have been a great many, against nature. There is no possibility that an experiment built in such a way (a modified Sagnac interferometer) could disprove the existence of the aether.

Perhaps the best modern argument for the existence of the aether is magnetism. Modern white-coats have two possible explanations for magnetism. One is classical, the idea that electron spin alignment allows many different electrons to work together to form one big magnetic field. The problem with this is the fact that J.J. Thompson, the man credited with the discovery of electrons, stated clearly that electrons are not particles. Tesla and some others sided with Thompson without hesitation. Whatever is being calculated as electron spin is not the spinning of a physical object.

The other explanation, which is derived from quantum theory, is “virtual particles”–the idea that magnetic particles use other, tinier particles to talk to each other somehow. The problem with this, beside being extremely vague, is the fact that we already know there aren’t any such particles present in magnetism. This is why the proposed particles are called “virtual.” It’s just an idea they use to balance out equations and there is no evidence whatsoever of the existence of such particles.

Now that the lines are drawn and we’ve dispensed with some common objections, let’s address the big question. What is the aether? The aether is perhaps the only thing that could be said to physically exist. Everything else is made of the aether acting upon itself. As said above, it can be understood as the universal dielectric. The word “dielectric” means polarisable, in other words, “can be polarised.” So, the aether is a universal field that can be locally polarised.

Tesla described the aether as being like a gas in that it can flow, but much finer than atoms, filling up the space between particles with potential. This is what is meant by saying that there is no such thing as empty space. “Space,” as they call it, is actually made of potential which is measured as voltage. Tesla also described it as being rigid and incompressible when you try to pass a charge to it, but also as having some elasticity to it. As understood before Tesla, the aether is the medium through which light waves travel (like water for ocean waves). By this thinking, photons, or light packets, are not particles, but waves of continuous induction through the aether (in a coaxial circuit) and it’s the aether’s natural rate of induction, or permeability, that gives light its apparent velocity.

Any time is has been said that “space,” on a very tiny scale, is bumpy and irregular and made up of what seems to be particle pairs of opposite charge, the person speaking was were talking about the aether, whether they knew it or not. In this way, quantum entanglement can be seen as aetheric hysteresis. There aren’t any loose ends that need to be tied up to explain nature in terms of aether. In fact, it’s the other way around. The incompatible combination of physical relativity to explain the very large and of quantum theory to explain the very small has confounded researchers for many years. The two just don’t operate by the same terms, so they can’t be married into a single theory as the early relativists had hoped.

If we could ever make a grand, unified theory of everything, the first requirement would be the integration of physics at all sizes. Strangely, there is such a physics and it has been mostly ignored. Plasma physics are perfectly scalable from the size of atoms to the size of galaxies. Plasma works the same way regardless of how big the plasma body is. What’s more interesting is the fact that plasma behaviours demonstrate the self-organising nature of the universe through induction and counter-induction (magnetic and dielectric exchanges).

If a body of plasma of any size is given a charge, it will organize itself into predictable forms that mimick forms seen elsewhere in nature, especially in galaxies. Physicists with vacuum chambers and electrodes have produced every shape of galaxy, including spiral galaxies with correct arm curves and rotational characteristics. As above, so below. As in the sky, so on the benchtop. Given some difference in charge from one end to the other, plasma bodies will also organise themselves into coaxial, or double helix, filaments that carry Burkeland currents. These electric currents, flowing through the plasma, directly power the containment and organisation of the filaments, which occur in sheaths in and outside of each other. These filaments have been observed between stars and between galaxies, “wiring” them together.

Surely, if one is looking for a grand, unified theory of everything, one should be looking at the one kind of observable physics that ties all things together. Modern academians have been unable to marry relativity and quantum theory because they simply have the wrong models where they have any models at all. The men who built the information age had it right all along. If there is a way to unify all of physics, it will be found in the perfectly scalable, ubiquitous, self-organising plasma that demonstrates the interplay between the universal dielectric field and its local magnetic fields. Every other avenue is just bad philosophy.

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